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John Pye

12:00 pm 3:00 pm

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John Pye

12:00 pm 3:00 pm


Works to improve street lighting and junction layout on A684 near Sedbergh to commence

Written by on 26/01/2022

Cumbria County Council will begin works to install street lighting on the A684 near Sedbergh from Monday 31 January. The vast majority of the works will be carried out under 3-way traffic lights, with some possible night closures for resurfacing.

Junction improvement works where the A684 meets the A683, to the west of Sedbergh, will also be carried out.

Cumbria County Council secured funding from the Department for Transport (DfT) to make safety improvements to the A684. The council held public engagement events with local residents and stakeholders along the route of the A684, to present the initial proposals and receive comments and feedback which included useful ‘local knowledge’ of safety concerns along the route.

The project had initially proposed to install new street lighting around the junction of the A683 to ensure that the junction was lit for safety. However, when this was presented to stakeholders, it was highlighted by local businesses and residents that workers at the Toll Bar Industrial Estate tended to walk to and from work, along a stretch of unlit pavement. Some businesses stated that they gave their staff torches and headlamps to ensure they could walk home safely. Following this feedback, the council acknowledged these concerns and instructed designers to extend the street lighting from the edge of Sedbergh, past the junction of the A683 and up to the Toll Bar Industrial Estate, to ensure the safety of pedestrians walking to and from the estate.

Additionally, we will install other measures such as louvres to ensure the lighting does not shine backwards and the lighting will be ‘dark sky compliant’ to reduce light pollution and in line with International Dark Sky Association recommendations. It has also been discussed with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, who also have ‘Dark Sky Reserve’ status to the east of Sedbergh.

In addition to the installation of lighting, we will also be making slight adjustments to the existing junction layout, to make it safer and easier for vehicles turning in and out of the A683. This will involve moving kerb-lines, extension of footways, drainage and surfacing works, as well as new lining and signage. This will create more of a traditional T-shaped junction, thus improving visibility for turning vehicles.

Residents can contact the council by email or telephone 0300 303 2992 – should you wish to discuss this matter or raise any concerns.

Cllr Keith Little, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said:

“I am pleased to see these works will soon be underway to improve street lighting and road safety at this busy junction.

“The works are part of a wider project to enhance safety and connectivity along important routes in the south of the county, following a successful submission to the Department for Transport to fund this important improvement scheme.

“We apologise for any inconvenience that the works may cause and appreciate the understanding of the local community and drivers during this period.”