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Look Out For The Elderly This Winter

Written by on 04/01/2022

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) have launched a winter safety campaign, aimed at the elderly or most vulnerable and isolated across Lancashire.

Research undertaken by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service found that fuel poverty and accidents involving the elderly or isolated were amongst the most common cause of accidental house fire in Lancashire during the winter months.

After looking at ways to try and tackle this, LFRS will once again be sending out information cards with built-in thermometers and encouraging people to book a free home fire safety check whereby operational crews or Community Safety Advisors will share advice on how to keep safe, warm and well in the home, install a smoke alarm if needed and signpost onto other agencies and partners.

Another part of the LFRS winter safety campaign is an initiative called ‘Nosey Neighbour.’ LFRS are asking the people of Lancashire to look out for those living alone, the elderly or vulnerable on their street and be ‘nosey’ enough to check they are okay, their house is warm enough and safe and they know they have someone to speak to if they need help.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service are asking for people to be aware that there are people who sometimes don’t see anyone for days on end and don’t have that support network around them. LFRS wants people to take the initiative to identify the older or vulnerable people nearby and check in with them.

The campaign will be taking place until February to catch residents during the coldest and darkest months, as well as trying to tackle people who are lonely and vulnerable.

Group Manager Kirsty McCreesh, the Prevention lead for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said: “Fuel poverty can affect anyone. There is sometimes a belief that it only affects those on low incomes, but in reality that’s just not the case.

Our concern is that some people may turn to alternative methods of staying warm and these may compromise their safety. This may be by using portable heaters in different ways, candles, open fires without the correct maintenance or cookers and this can be risky both from a health and wellbeing point of view and fire safety one. We see incidents every year like this and we want to prevent them happening.”

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service work closely with partners such as Age UK and Alzheimer’s Society as well as local councils to ensure they are all working towards the same goal of keeping people safe. The information cards with built-in thermometers show residents what their home temperature is along with guidance for what temperature their home should be and how to go about making some changes especially if they are a victim of fuel poverty. During Home Fire Safety visits LFRS staff may give out safe and warm packs which consist of a blanket, a thermos mug, a torch and Age UK literature. Fire service personnel may also offer advice on electric blankets and how to use an electric heater safely.

Kirsty continued by saying: “We want people to know that they don’t have to batten down the hatches and live with the cold, we can help by offering fire safety guidance and putting them in touch with the right people to get them the support they need.”

If you know someone who might need a little help this winter, why not pay them a visit. For advice, please visit our website:, or to discuss a home fire safety visit feel free to contact us on free phone: 0800 169 1125.

Safety information – what should you look out for?

Sitting too close to electric fires
Drying clothes too close to electric fires
Suggest they use a fire guard and install a carbon monoxide alarm
Chimneys have been cleaned and swept recently
Cold homes
Using folded up electric blankets rather than rolled up (which protects the wiring)
Overloaded plug sockets
Using ovens to keep warm
Using candles
Taking medication and drinking alcohol

Anyone can be a nosey neighbour. Simply put, a nosey neighbour is someone who checks up on those living close by or family/friends living alone. Just knock on the door or pick up the phone and ask them how they’re doing to let them know you are there for them. Small changes like these can have massive impacts.

At winter, older people and those living on their own are much more likely to experience illness or fall victim to accidental house fires, and they are much less likely to reach out for help when they need it. Even if you don’t know them, your visit can make all the difference.

To discuss a home fire safety visit, contact us on free phone: 0800 169 1125 or for more information visit

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