Current track



Current show

Milly Stokes

4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Current show

Milly Stokes

4:00 pm 7:00 pm


What People Say

I tuned in while I was in the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, but that was all I needed. You can tell there are professionals on the other side, people who are aware of what actually happens in hospitals. Well done and a great listen. I now tune in at home I enjoy the variety of music […]

There are so many positive things about BTR! The service to the patients is terrific and I’m sure is a great comfort to many during their hospital stay. And, as a radio professional, I’ve always been impressed with the quality of the programmes and the people who work on them, and the ambition of the […]

“Volunteers bring a wealth of experience, time, and commitment to our hospital services, our hospital radio volunteers make a unique contribution to patients, carers, and staff at UHMB. We recognise that our volunteers are an essential resource that help us achieve our vision while supporting and enhance the patient’s and public experience and perception of […]

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again reiterate the importance of the work of the station and its volunteers to the Trust. For many of our patients, coming into hospital can be a stressful experience and whilst our staff do everything they can to put them at ease, it’s inevitable that some of […]